Advertisements page:
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Check out the relevant costs and contacts us
Website placement:
- Ads dimensions 1 spot, 728×90: 350 EUR per advert or 150 EUR each for 7 appearances
- Ads dimensions for screenshot 2 spots, 336×280: 250 EUR per advert or 75 EUR each for 7 appearances
Headline Diplomat Journal primary placement:
- Half page: 500 EUR for yearly placement
- Full page: 1000 EUR for yearly placement
- Back page (full size): 1500 EUR for yearly placement
Headline Diplomat eMagazine or eJournal article placement:
- 1200×800: 250 EUR for yearly placement
- Half-page: 500 EUR for yearly placement
- Full-page: 1500 EUR for yearly placement
Monthly Newsletter placement:
- Primary insertion: 600 x 600: 150 EUR for each appearance and distribution. Minimum of 10; 15 or 28 appearances
Press-release distribution advert placement:
- Primary placement: 800 x 800: 350 EUR each appearance. Minimum of 3 time placements per press release