Writes Althea, Content writer, Headline Diplomat eMagazine, LUDCI.eu
Covid-19 has had a devastating effect on individual lives, governments, and even the global economy. As a result, people have been forced to adjust to the new norm. Some have resorted to working from home and others have become unemployed. As we speak now, some cities and countries are easing down restrictions, while others are heightening restrictions and even locking down again.
Even with all of these challenges still going on, the BIG question still remains – Is the pandemic a fraud or not? Our recent findings are very shocking but eye-opening to the public. There are a lot of things that governments and health bodies around the world are hiding so that they can continue controlling people and denying them their freedom.
In a recent committee hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan and Dr. Anthony Fauci crossed words. Jordan was asking to know, from Fauci, when the unconstitutional COVID restrictions will come to an end. On the contrary, Fauci had nothing to say about it.
Nonetheless, there is a significant problem on which Dr. Anthony Fauci has given answers. Because of this, he revealed a jaw-dropping fraud that completely changes the face of COVID-19. Surprisingly, Dr. Fauci unknowingly accepted that, if the PCR test for the virus is done incorrectly, the outcomes are meaningless and should be done away with. What Dr. Fauci failed to say is that the test has been done incorrectly from the beginning.
What’s disheartening is that millions of people in America and around the world are suffering because of the false tests being taken. People are wrongly told that they are infected with the virus, while in the real sense, most of these numbers are false. That’s not all, these false numbers have been used to pronounce and extend lockdowns, even when it’s not warranted.
This is not just something that we’re making up as even some governors around the country are aware of this. Take for example the Florida Governor. Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis knows that the PCR test has been carried out inappropriately. In December, he and his public health department published an order to correct that astounding issue.
How are the COVID-19 Tests fake?
On July 17, 2020, a podcast, from virology, titled “TWiV 641: COVID-19 with Dr. Anthony Fauci,” Fauci comments by saying the PCR COVID test is meaningless and misguiding when the test is done at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive outcome, showing infection, cannot be consented to or trusted. Here is Dr. Fauci’s quote, “If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more, the chances of it being replication-competent are minuscule. You almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle or even 36.”
From Anthony Fauci’s statement, each ‘cycle’ of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen obtained from the patient. Therefore, too many cycles and the test will preset all kinds of irrelevant material that will be incorrectly taken as relevant. That is what’s referred to as a false positive.
Even after unknowingly admitting that the COVID-19 tests are done incorrectly, Dr. Fauci didn’t reveal that FDA authorizes the tests for the public to be run up to 40 cycles, and not up to 35 cycles, which is totally wrong. This means that every lab in the USA, following the FDA guidelines is knowingly or unknowingly engaging in fraud.
This pandemic fraud is affecting millions of Americans as they are being told they are infected with the virus based on a false positive. Therefore, the total number of COVID cases in America is based on this falsity, meaning the total positive cases may be very low. So, the lockdowns in different states and other restrictions are based on false tests, which is a crime in itself.
To put it in a layman’s language – what Dr. Fauci is saying is the test is irrelevant when it’s run at 35 cycles or more. On the contrary, the FDA recommends running the tests up to 40 cycles, which is an irony and a crime in itself. To prove this, here is a CDC quote from the FDA website, “…a specimen considered positive for 2019-nCOV if all 2019-nCOV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles.”
According to the above CDC quote from the FDA, a testing lab in the USA reading this guideline would assume that – to see if the virus is there in a patient, they should run the test all the way to 40 cycles, which is wrong as per Dr. Fauci’s statement in the virology podcast.
Apart from the quote from the FDA, there’s also an article in the New York Times with a title that says, “Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be.” Additionally, there is a quote in the same article that states, “This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients.” In short, labs will never reveal the cycle threshold at which they run the tests to get either a positive or a negative.
Another surprising revelation by the New York Times in the same article indicates that – In three sets of testing data include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Nevada, Massachusetts, and New York, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus. This is indeed mind-blowing and devastating at the same time. It’s a tip of how the FDA is playing with people’s minds and controlling them unwillingly.
Any COVID-19 test run above 35 is extremely sensitive. Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, Riverside, says, “I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive.” With all this evidence, it’s clear that Covid-19 may be a fraud that’s meant to control and manipulate people. What the FDA is doing is not right and they should be taken to court so that people can regain their normal lives.
After going through this detailed article, you can clearly see that COVID-19 is a fraud. The FDA, under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci, is misleading labs and the public to make the situation look worse than it’s supposed to be.
If they don’t correct the cycle threshold at which they run the tests, then this heinous act will continue to happen. Many positive cases will continue to be reported and unwarranted restrictions and lockdowns will continue to be imposed. This is against humanity and Dr. Fauci should be taken to court for misleading labs and allowing this to happen.
Featured photo by cottonbro from Pexels