Editorial Team 15 Feb 2022 Paid Articles 952 Views
Written by Althea, Content writer, Citizen Diplomat Blog Tales
In the West, when the State deems the parents unfit to raise their children or when the mothers refuse to keep them without abandoning them (that is to say without signing the discharge which would make these children adoptable), the State, through the foster care center, is responsible for their care until they reach adulthood.
Today, these centers are no longer dilapidated buildings. The children there are no longer hungry or cold and are no longer subject to mistreatment by those who raise them. But why then do most of these children end up badly?
To understand the fundamental constructive importance of love, we went around to meet the most neglected children left in social centers.
Note: Names of victims have been changed.
Mama doesn't want me
In the corridor, having arrived two hours in advance, well dressed, with her hair done, a woman waits, turns in circles, leaves, comes back, starts turning again, clasping her hands.
“I'm leaving him here so that he can live in the castle,” she said. Indeed, like many of these establishments, the center is a castle in the middle of the forest, with a rose garde...
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