You are at :Home»Paid Articles»Depression, mental illnesses and suicide: A psychological “third wave” of the virus Editorial Team 18 Feb 2021 Paid Articles 1000 Views
Writes Dionysus, Content Writer, Headline Diplomat,
As the months pass by and despite the respite provided by the approval of vaccines for the COVID 19 pandemic, the psychological consequences caused by long periods of isolation, the fear of being infected with the virus that has claimed millions of lives, and the resulting financial crisis, are becoming visible.
In several countries, levels of mental health disorders, suicidal thoughts and even acting out have increased since the start of the pandemic, a worrying phenomenon, which the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have warned about.
The UN's Secretary-General António Guterres, on the occasion of the annual Mental Health Day, describes the phenomenon thus:
"Every 40 seconds someone dies by suicide, and it is now established that depression is a major cause of illness and disability in children and adolescents.”
“We are now observing the consequences of the pandemic on the mental well-being of the individual, and this is only the beginning. If nothing is done, many groups, including the elderly, women, children, and people with mental disorders, risk seeing their health deteriorate...
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