embarks on a groundbreaking journey as it enters the post-seed and series A funding phase. With talks underway with key angels and VC’s, the organization is gearing up to reach new heights of scalability.
Founded and backed by Dr Vassilia Orfanou, a distinguished C-level executive with a background in EIB, Deloitte, Gaia-X, Marriott International and Bloomberg LP, among others, she steps up and signs off – delivering a unique approach to 360-degree marcom, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and social impact innovation.
Unprecedented Growth and Impact
The Headline Diplomat series has reached significant milestones, boasting a collection of 237 pieces, with plans for 10 more by March 2024. The publications team has produced over 25 original reports and 2 books, with more publications slated for 2024 and 2025. The events and press teams has effectively organized 200 events and 3000 press trips, demonstrating the success of their business model.
A Vision for Global Social Impact
Dr. Vassilia Orfanou, Chief Operating Officer of, emphasizes the organization’s unwavering dedication to leveraging technology for social impact. She says, “With a strong focus on empowering education, knowledge sharing, and awareness, is committed to addressing global challenges and promoting preventive diplomacy”. The mission extends to promoting human rights, ethical use of AI and emerging technologies, sustainability, and governance practices.
A Call to Action
As advances into its next stage of scaling, the organization invites clients to join their mission to ignite social unity and collaboration in driving impactful change. By supporting, individuals and companies can align themselves with a shared vision of creating a more ethical and responsible future.
Join the Movement’s pursuit of blending innovation, impact, and ethical business principles presents an opportunity to shape a promising future. By collaborating with the organization, individuals and companies can play a pivotal role in advancing social responsibility, CSR, and social innovation.
For further inquiries and to be part of this transformative journey, please contact:
Name: Dr. Vassilia Orfanou
Position: Chief Operating Officer
Featured photo: Andrea Piacquadio: