You are at :Home»Paid Articles»New analysis of JFK autopsy X-rays suggests gov’t cover-up of wounds requiring a second gunman Editorial Team 12 Jun 2024 Paid Articles 391 Views
Writes Aphrodite, Content writer
Headline Diplomat eMagazine,
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy remains one of the most contentious events in American history, shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. Dr David Mantik’s recent analysis of JFK's autopsy X-rays suggests a disturbing cover-up by the U.S. government, indicating the presence of a second gunman and raising questions about the official narrative surrounding Kennedy's death.
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy continues to intrigue and confound scholars and historians, with new revelations being exposed on the events of that fateful day in Dallas. Dr David Mantik's groundbreaking optical density analysis of JFK's autopsy skull X-rays has uncovered compelling evidence of a government cover-up – challenging, thus the lone gunman theory and suggesting the involvement of a second shooter.
Dr Mantik, armed with decades of medical expertise and a meticulous approach to analysis, has meticulously examined the purportedly altered JFK autopsy X-rays. His findings, detailed in the book "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis," paint a troubling ...
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