Editorial Team 10 Nov 2020 Paid Articles 1089 Views
Writes Zeus, Headline Diplomat eMagazine,
To say the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has severely dealt with the world over the last 10 months would be stating the obvious. Personal lives have been disrupted, families and loved ones separated, businesses crashed, and jobs lost, all because of an infection that is no more than seasonal flu. The truth is, our normal lives have been psychologically, mentally, economically, socially, and morally disrupted.
Reports are beginning to question the validity of the PCR test as flawed and cannot be trusted. The science behind testing COVID-19, specifically using the PCR test is not reasonable and quite misleading, leading to scandalous actions by the governments.
The so-called coronavirus pandemic was no more deadly than the usual seasonal flu, yet the measures taken by the governments to curb the spread of the virus was like nothing we had ever seen. In fact, the measures, and not the coronavirus, have shattered lives, caused more deaths, and destroyed many businesses across the world.
We must ask ourselves the important questions: Is the coronavirus as dangerous as it is claimed to be? How reliable is the PCR test for coron...
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